0333 321 3021


ACAS: Managing a disciplinary procedure

Date & Time of Training: 
13 August, 2024 - 09:30 to 12:30

The law requires employers to act reasonably in their discipline of employees. Incorrectly handled processes can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation, with employment tribunals able to adjust awards by up to 25% for failure to comply with the provisions of the Acas Code of Practice on discipline and grievance.

This event will provide an overview of the Code, with a focus on discipline and the minimum requirements when handling disciplinary procedures. 

We (ACAS) will explain the formal processes as well as  outline options for handling issues informally. We will also explore fairness, decision making and the benefits of clear policies and good communication.

This training will provide anyone involved in people management with the skills and knowledge needed to more effectively manage discipline in the workplace.

Who is this best suited to?

  • Delegates from all sectors of work, including: 
  • line managers, supervisors and team leaders
  • HR professionals
  • business owners
  • Trade Union/employee representatives
  • individuals who wish to further their professional development

What will I learn from this training?

  • How to apply the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures to disciplinaries
  • Resolving issues informally and when formal action may be appropriate 
  • Communicating rules and policies
  • The principles of workplace investigations
  • Considering suspension
  • Conducting a disciplinary hearing
  • The right to be accompanied 
  • Taking appropriate action – the use of penalties and sanctions
  • Handling appeals
£125 per person
Further details / booking: