NW Hearts Charity Grants 2024

NW Hearts Charity is offering grants of up to £25,000 for groups working across Greater Manchester to deliver projects and activities that support people living with or at-risk heart disease and reduce its impact on lives beyond current NHS provision.

Funding is for activities that align with the NW Hearts Charity’s funding priorities to benefit:

  • People living with heart disease
  • People at risk of heart disease
  • The family and carers of these groups
  • The specialist staff who care for them
  • Research into cardiac conditions

Proposed projects should demonstrate a strong relationship to Greater Manchester and should impact one of the following:

  • People or communities who live in Greater Manchester
  • Those who live outside of Greater Manchester who may utilise health services in Greater Manchester
  • Organisations located in Greater Manchester and their staff/volunteers

Priority will be given to projects that cost up to £10,000, and projects that are likely to demonstrate rapid short-term benefit.

Apply here

Deadline: 29 September 2024