Nominate your community hero – win £250 donation

Is there someone in your organisation who’s a real champion? easyfundraising is on the search for the people who go above and beyond or make everyone’s day a little brighter.

Three incredible people deserving of some much-needed recognition and appreciation will be chosen to be easyfundraising’s Community Champions and will win a £250 donation for their organisation, as well as £250 to treat themselves to something special.

Whether it's because they're inspiring the next generation, going above and beyond their duties, fighting for change, or just showing up and doing a fantastic job, tell easyfundraising who your champion is and why they are so special. 

To nominate your champion, fill in the short online form by 23:59 on 30th September and tell easyfundraising why this person is so amazing. Whether they’re inspiring the next generation, going above and beyond their duties, fighting for change, or just showing up and doing a fantastic job – easyfundraising wants to know!

Get your nominations in here by 30th September 2024.
