GM Walking and Wheeling Fund

The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund (GMWWF) Grants Programme is offering grants of up to £5,000 to VCSE organisations to deliver projects to get more people walking and wheeling this autumn/winter.

The fund aims to improve the health and wellbeing of communities in Greater Manchester by encouraging people who are less active or inactive to walk or wheel regularly. By wheeling, we mean using a wheelchair, mobility aid or pushing a pram. Sorry, cycling is not included.
The GMWWF also hopes to increase awareness of, and engagement with, GM Walking: a hub of information and resources that recognises the important role walking and wheeling can play in increasing physical activity levels.

The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund is being managed by Salford CVS, on behalf of 10GM.  

Funded by GM Moving, small grants of up to £2,000 and medium grants of up to £5,000  are available through 10GM to support activities that encourage people who are usually less active to start or increase the amount they regularly walk in winter 2024-2025.

All projects must encourage people who are usually less active or inactive to increase the amount they walk or wheel regularly. To achieve this goal, both the small and medium grant funds have specific criteria that must be met. Applications received after the deadlines will not be considered.

There are many ways your organisation could do this, for example by supporting people to take part in walking and wheeling groups; by working with schools, faith centres or workplaces to encourage active travel; or by recruiting and training Walking and Wheeling Champions to encourage people in the community to walk or wheel regularly.

The fund is particularly interested in supporting organisations and projects that link into the wider health and care system in their area such as a local GP practice or family centre. In the last round of the fund a Mum’s walking group linked in with their local Sure Start Centre, midwifery team and health visitors to promote their walks, which resulted in staff referring new parents to the group.

Small Grants

  • The GMWWF will close to applications for small grants on Friday 18 October 2024 at 12pm.
  • Decisions are expected within 4-6 weeks of applying.
  • Successful organisations will have until the end of March 2025 to spend their grant.

Medium Grants

  • The GMWWF will close to applications for medium grants on Monday 7 October 2024 at 12pm.
  • Decisions are expected within 4-6 weeks of applying.
  • Successful organisations will have until the end of March 2025 to spend their grant.

Apply here