Northenden Community First Panel

 This funding programme is now closed.

£30 Million is now available to fund community projects in some of the most deprived areas of the country. People will be encouraged to give time, expertise and resources towards the projects they identify in their areas. The government will match these pound for pound, helping to stimulate local action towards meeting community needs.

Ward Allocation: £67,820

Contact Details
Email: [email protected]

Panel Members:
Brenda Grixti (Community Group), Keith Justice (Community Group), Mary Di Mauro (Local Councillor), Richard Cowell (Local Councillor), Conor Jerram (Community Group) and Sarah  Woolley (Wyhenshawe Community Housing Group).
There are vacancies to become a panel member to apply, email: [email protected]

Panel Partner: Wythenshawe Community Housing Group.

Funding Priorities
Each ward has its own Community First Panel which is made up of members of your community who have come together to produce a list of priorities to improve your area. If a project fits in with these priorities then the panel may recommend it for funding.
1. Improve the physical environment
2. Encourage new groups to form to address community needs
3. Encourage residents from different neighbourhoods to come together through small events
4. Improve access to opportunities for all sections of the community

You can apply for a grant from a minimum of £250 to a maximum of £2,500 per year. The programme will run until March 2015 and funds will be available during that time.

The panel met to consider applications on Wednesday 5th March and approved 7 applications.

Previously Funded projects.

  • Morris Dancing group
  • Community Funday
  • Community Farm and garden project.
  • Good Neighbours project
  •  Local Bee Club

How to apply
To apply complete the Funding Proposal Application and return to:
Manchester Community Central FREEPOST NAT4553, Manchester M60 3BR (please allow a few extra days for this to reach us).
Or email your Application to your panel at: [email protected]
You can discuss your project with your local panel and if it is approved then a representative from your local panel will recommend your project to CDF for funding. Click here for guidance on applying

Next deadlines:
31 January 2014 – decisions 10 February 2014 and
10 March 2014 – decisions 28 March 2014