Our commitment to you

Macc wants to see Manchester as a city where every person can be free from discrimination and oppression, can enjoy health, wellbeing and economic security and can have the opportunity to achieve their aspirations and fully participate in their community. For more details please see our Equality and Diversity Policy

Macc is committed to practice which protects children and adults from harm. As an organisation we recognise and accept our responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which cause harm and seek to ensure that our staff and volunteers act appropriately and effectively. As an organisation Macc fully acknowledges its duty of care towards its workers and service users. For more details see our Safeguarding Policy. If you have a safeguarding concern please speak to a member of Macc staff.

Macc aims to provide its members, organisations and individuals with the best possible service. However, we recognise that from time to time there may be occasions when users of our services feel that the quality or level of service provided falls short of what you could reasonably expect.

Macc encourages individuals to comment, make compliments or to complain about the service they receive, so that improvements can be made. Macc will not victimise anyone for making a complaint or comment. For more details please see our Complaints Policy