Children and Family

Working to support children and families in Manchester is one of the Policy and Influence Team’s policy priorities. Below you can see the work we do at Macc surrounding this priority, and find out where you can get support.

Family Hubs

Macc is one of a number of Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector members of Manchester City Council’s Family Hub Steering group.

Manchester Family Hubs is part of national programme of work established from funding via the Department of Education to extend support for families of children of up to 19 years old and families with children up to 25 who live with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The National Centre for Family Hubs (NCFH) is a new national initiative, led by the Anna Freud Centre and funded by the DfE, to help ensure all babies, children and families have the support they need through a network of family hubs across England.

In collaboration with the Early Intervention Foundation, the work of the National Centre for Family Hubs is practice-led, evidence-based, and most importantly is informed by families’ lived experience. It is a learning network that has been established to champion family hubs by sharing best practice on evidence-based service models to family hub providers across England. Manchester currently has three Hub sites, One in North Manchester in Cheeham Hill Sure Start Centre, One in Central Manchester In Longsight Sure Start Centre and one in South Manchester at Cross acres Sure Start Centre.

For more information about this work contact Anna Tate at [email protected]

Manchester City Council Children and Families Scrutiny Committee Meetings

Macc also attends the Manchester City Council Children and Families Scrutiny Committee Meetings, which are held at Manchester  Town Hall extension every six weeks. These meetings discus a variety of topics that relate to children and their families across the City of Manchester.

These meetings welcome contribution  form VCSE sector colleagues. If you would like to contribute to a forthcoming agenda item or attend in person , please contact the administrator at [email protected]. All scrutiny committee meetings are recorded and the videos can be viewed here.

You can also receive updates from these meetings via P&I Shorts - find more information about this and sign up here.