
Factsheet 18: Accounts and bookkeeping

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For a voluntary organisation a set of accounts normally consists of the following:

  • An income and expenditure account
  • A Balance Sheet
  • Notes to the accounts

In addition a charity may have an additional document called a ‘statement of financial activities’ or SOFA. This is broadly similar to an income and expenditure account with last years reserve funds added to this year’s surplus or deficit.

Factsheet 17: Cashflow forecasts and budgets

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1. What is a cashflow forecast?
A cashflow forecast looks at the future and predicts how money will come in to and go out of your organisation.

Isn’t that the same as a budget?
No. A budget plans which sources of income and costs will fall into which period. Often money does not change hands at exactly the same time as a piece of work is done. A cashflow forecast will map when the money actually changes hands.