Human resources

Supervision and Feedback Factsheet

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Supervision is the one of the most important practices that an organisation can introduce.  Supervision provides the opportunity for managers to meet with their staff on a regular basis to have discussions, provide support and ensure that employees are happy, empowered and have all the tools they need to carry out their role effectively. 

Recruitment and Selection Factsheet

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1. What is recruitment?
Recruitment is the process of attracting suitable candidates to apply for a vacancy within the organisation, and then selecting from within that pool of applicants to appoint the person who has the best skills, ability, experience and qualifications to carry out the role. It is about finding the right person for the job.

Line Management Factsheet

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1. Introduction
Research has shown that front line managers are critical to the success of any business because they have a considerable influence on the behaviour of employees and their overall attitude towards the organisation. 

Therefore it is essential that line managers are:

Job Design Factsheet

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1. Introduction
In today’s modern workplace the concept of formal job design can often be considered as passé and old-fashioned, with many employers believing that job design is simply irrelevant for their organsiation.