Working with the private sector

As part of its Transforming Local Infrastructure (TLI) programme Macc outlined its intention to:

Research and report on the level of cross sector working between VCS and Businesses within Manchester. This also included undertaking an appraisal of key relationships (e.g. City Council Economic Development Unit, Federation of Small Businesses, Chamber of Commerce etc) and ideas / models for stimulating and sustaining collaboration. There was also a desire to develop and share good practice guides and tips for developing cross sector working.

As part of its scoping for this work it became apparent that work was already being undertaken in this area by other organisations including a project between Manchester City Council, National Youth Agency and Local Government Association.

As a result of working with the consultants employed through this work a number of reports, training packages and good practice guides have been developed.


Materials, resources and reports on the links between business and VCS

Why Engage with business

How can VCS organisations benefit businesses?

Are you ready to work with business?

Pitching to businesses

Building and maintaining relationships

Contacting businesses

Good pitch role play

Bad pitch role play