Charity Digital: A guide to digital mapping tools

Date & time: 29 February 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Digital mapping is revolutionising the way charities operate across the globe, empowering charities of all sizes to better communicate their cause, understand their community, act on their mission, and measure their impact. The technology is enabling charities to extend services, attract volunteers, expand donor networks, and shape public policies.

This webinar is an opportunity for charities and non-profits in the UK to learn from well-known charities about how they are using digital mapping tools, including map-based analysis and collaboration tools to further their missions.     

In this webinar, we will hear from:

The Scouts Association about understanding the communities that the scout groups serve

Sightsavers about tracking vaccination rollouts to eliminate eye diseases

The Rivers Trust about measuring the impact of initiatives to reduce plastic pollution using a citizen science hub

Fauna and Flora about how they protecting gibbons and communicating their cause to stakeholders 

Join us to discover the potential for your charity and learn how to leverage digital mapping tools to make a difference.​


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • Why charities are using digital mapping tools and related capabilities
  • The difference this technology is making for them
  • How Esri (UK), the world-leading supplier of digital mapping technology, can help and support with getting up and running through their Nonprofit Programme
Charity Digital
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