Cranfield Trust: Sustainable Fundraising - reducing grant reliance and growing diverse income sources

Date & time: 24 September 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm

Grantmakers provide vital funding for many charities. However, over-reliance on grants can lead to financial instability, exposing organisations to risks such as budget shortfalls, programme disruptions, and, in extreme cases, closure. As competition for grants intensifies, it is more important than ever for charities to diversify their voluntary income streams to safeguard their future. 

In this session, we’ll (Cranfield Trust) discuss how to strategically use grants without becoming dependent, as well as practical ways to expand and diversify your charity’s income base. You’ll learn from the experiences of other organisations that have successfully reduced grant dependency and discover actionable strategies to strengthen your charity’s financial resilience.

Cranfield Trust
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