360Giving supports organisations to publish their grants data in an open, standardised way and helps people to understand and use the data to support decision-making and learning across the charitable giving sector.
On GrantNav: http://grantnav.threesixtygiving.org/ you can search, explore and download UK grant data from funders publishing open data to the 360Giving Standard, all for free.
We publish data on the grants we have awarded for example our Spirit of Manchester mini-grants and our Mental health grants programme grants and you can find all these grants on our funders page on GrantNav, here: http://grantnav.threesixtygiving.org/funder/GB-CHC-1145921, so why not take a look at all the great projects that have received funding from us in Manchester.
Take a look at our latest data sets on the organisations and volunteers we have supported on our website, here: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/policy-and-influence/open-data