0333 321 3021


ACAS: Handling an employee grievance

Date & Time of Training: 
8 August, 2024 - 09:30 to 12:30

It is important that all employee grievances are handled correctly. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. 

If an employer does not  comply with the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures, it could lead to an uplift of 25% in an employment tribunal award.

A well handled grievance can provide valuable insight, alerting employers to problems in the workplace and giving them the opportunity to resolve issues without further conflict escalating. 

As well as demonstrating the correct process to follow, this event will focus on emotional intelligence, relationship building, treating people fairly and establishing trust. 

The event will work through a fictional grievance, based on a real life scenario, it will show delegates how to:

  • Distinguish the facts from emotion when receiving a grievance 
  • Deal with issues with empathy, whilst staying on track to work towards resolution
  • Follow the correct steps and procedures
  • Work towards a better outcome
  • Consider the wellbeing of the employee

Who is this best suited to?

  • Delegates from all sectors of work, including: 
  • line managers, supervisors and team leaders
  • HR professionals
  • business owners
  • Trade Union/employee representatives
  • individuals who wish to further their professional development

What will I learn from this training?

  • How to apply the Acas Code of practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures to grievances
  • Resolving issues informally where possible 
  • The importance of impartial investigations and separating facts from emotions
  • Conducting a grievance hearing 
  • Emotional intelligence in grievances
  • The right to be accompanied 
  • Taking action – next steps after the grievance is heard
  • Managing relationships during and after a grievance
  • Handling appeals
  • Review grievances to identify trends in the workplace
£125 per person
Further details / booking: