Audacious Care Solutions

Organisation name: Audacious Foundation
Time for the opportunity:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Minimum amount of hours required:
Description of the opportunity:


Volunteers offer support to people affected by cancer both in their own homes or an agreed location and can take part in a wide variety of support activities and arrangements. From gardening, cleaning and befriending to shopping, telephone support and attending hospital appointments in addition to other mutually agreed support activities, your input will make a huge difference to the journey of people who are affected by cancer.

Mandatory training is provided to all volunteers, with other opportunities to attend and participate in training throughout the year. Get more involved in your local community by being part of this exciting, innovative service, learning new skills, having fun and meeting new people.

What is the Audacious Care Solutions Project?

Audacious Care Solutions aims to help people affected by cancer get help with their everyday needs. This includes practical and emotional support in their homes across Greater Manchester.

Why do we need you?

Audacious Care Solutions aims to meet the needs identified by the people affected by cancer that it supports. Volunteers are vital to the success of the project and help to provide a wide variety of services to people affected by cancer either in their own homes or at an agreed location.

The activities you will or could be involved in

There are numerous ways in which volunteers can support an Audacious Care Solutions service user such as practical help with everyday tasks like gardening, shopping, telephone support, cleaning, transport to appointments or emotional support and befriending.

We are looking for the following skills and abilities

• Communicate clearly

• Effective listening

• Considerate and approachable

• Committed and reliable

• Non-judgemental and respectful of others differences and choices

• Empathy for people affected by cancer

• Maintain confidentiality

• Willing to work on your own or as part of a team with guidance & support from the programme coordinator

• Recognise own boundaries and the limitations of the volunteer role (covered at induction)

Our goals are

• To provide people affected by cancer with the type of support they require at the time they need it

• To raise awareness of the services that Audacious Care Solutions provide

We need some time commitment from you

Your time commitment is flexible depending on what suits you and the requirements of the people we support. Just an hour every other week could make a big difference in someone’s life.

Ongoing training, support or guidance to build and develop your skills

• An induction session for all Audacious Foundation volunteers a chance to learn more about all our projects including Care Solutions

• Opportunities to meet, socialise and network with staff and fellow volunteers during the year

• Opportunities for further training 

• One-to-one support from the programme coordinator and other volunteers

The benefits and opportunities for you

• Helping people affected by cancer

• Getting involved in and making a real difference to your local community

• Learning new skills

• Taking part in different experiences

• Meeting new people

• Adding to your CV

The benefits to people who are supported by Audacious Care Solutions

With your involvement, people affected by cancer will be at the heart of the service and will be able to get the help they need when they need it.

Further information

• Audacious Care Solutions is an outreach service where you will be out and about in the community.

• If you are driving, you need to maintain a roadworthy vehicle and have up-to-date insurance and MOT

• We pay volunteers ‘out-of-pocket’ expenses and mileage within agreed guidelines