Hard Pressed project Volunteer

Organisation name: Commonword Enterprises Ltd
Time for the opportunity:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Minimum amount of hours required:
Description of the opportunity:


What we do:

Commonword is a writing development organisation based in Manchester, providing opportunities for new and aspiring writers to develop their talent and potential.

From 1975 to 2010, Manchester produced and published a unique body of literature. Stories from a working class, global majority, disabled, LGBTQ+ Mancunian point of view. These are our stories. This is a heritage that the mainstream chooses to ignore, but one we think is inspiring. An untold history that deserves to be shared with the people who will create the stories of the future. 

What would you be doing as a volunteer:

We are looking for volunteers to help read archive material and make material useable through digitisation and editing. We are also looking for people who can volunteer occasionally to help out with public events and workshops run as part of the project. 

Office volunteers (minimum 1 day a week, office hours Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)

  • Reading and sorting archive material  
  • Making printed and audio material useable through digitisation and editing
  • Using or developing skills in audio and film i.e. recording and editing


Event volunteers (needed to help out occasionally during daytime, evenings or weekends)

  • Assisting staff organising events with setting up and closing down events and sessions
  • Welcoming guests and / participants
  • Collecting monitoring and evaluation information

You could gain experience in the following:

  • Using archive materials to engage the public through events
  • Bringing heritage to life through mapping, film and photography editing, podcasting
  • Preserving collections and archive materials


Commonword Cultureword has a long history of working with people who are working class / poor, LGBTQ+, neurodivergent, global majority and disabled because we are these people. If you are from one or more of these communities, we particularly want to hear from you. Additionally, if you’re older and were politically active or part of spoken word / alternative literature scenes from the 1990s to the 2000s, do get in touch. You could provide valuable historical and social context for the poems and stories that were published.