Hot-meal driver

Organisation name: Feed My City
Time for the opportunity:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Minimum amount of hours required:
Description of the opportunity:


Feed My City (Foundation) is an Emergency Food Charity which provides dry food bags and hot meals to those in most need. We believe that every human being has the right to basic food and this should NOT be dependent on them having money.

We aim to provide simple, free, vegetarian, nourishing hot food and/or emergency food bags in the Manchester area. The food poverty programme serves our users and we will not ask any questions, make any judgement, or charge for any of our services.

As a hot-meal driver, you would need to come to our base in Beswick between 10 am and 11 am to collect the hot meals. We would then provide you with the locations for delivery and the contact details of the recipients. 

Depending on your availability and the number of deliveries we have, carrying out the deliveries would take between 2 to 3 hours.

Please note: A driver's license and own vehicle is required for this volunteering opportunity.