Befriending and Growing Volunteer

Organisation name: Heart and Parcel
Time for the opportunity:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Minimum amount of hours required: 2
Description of the opportunity:



Who we are:

Heart and Parcel work with people learning English to recognise, celebrate and develop their existing rich skills and knowledge, so they can communicate confidently and live fulfilling lives.  

We do this by supporting learners to flourish in their local communities and forge connections by developing English language and communication skills through the medium of food… mainly dumplings!


What are we looking for?

We have an exciting new growing space in Debdale Park in Gorton where we will be starting a garden to grow our for our sessions & classes, and to eventually run some ESOL sessions here (See more about our cooking & ESOL English classes here: and our ethos behind teaching and learning).


What would you be doing as a volunteer?

At the moment, the space needs to be tended to and prepared! We want Manchester communities (from all backgrounds) to be at the centre of this and to check out the space and let us know what we should do, what we should grow, and how we should do it! Everyone welcome to join in and help out. Tasks include: watering, weeding, clearing, planting, tidying and anything else suggested!

This weekly community consultation and befriending is open to everyone - the more, the merrier: ESOL learners, teachers, students supporters, neighbours, community members, volunteers, everyone is welcome. 

From 9am to 11am every Wednesday (Drop-in , come any time you like!)

Come, wear sturdy footwear (we will provide the refreshments!). All materials and equipment provided. Refreshments available too. 

Buses available from town. Once inside the park and near the tennis courts and toilets, WhatsApp Clare on 07394196443 and she will come and meet you to take you to the space.