
Organisation name: Higher Blackley Community Organisation
Time for the opportunity:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Minimum amount of hours required:
Description of the opportunity:


Who we are:

Higher Blackley Community Organisation (HBCO) is a small local charity running a community centre on Victoria Avenue in North Manchester. It is registered as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation).

The Charity is facing challenges on a number of fronts and is currently embarking on a major change process covering governance, management and administration, with a view to ensuring a positive future for the Centre. The next six months will be crucial.

What are we looking for?

We are looking to recruit additional trustees who can contribute their time, knowledge and experience in key areas, particularly:

- Effective Governance

- Human resources management

- Financial management

- Premises management

- General management

- Safeguarding

What would you be doing as a trustee?


- To attend a monthly committee meeting

- To read meeting minutes and other papers in preparation for meetings

- To sit on at least one sub-committee if necessary

- To send apologies when unable to attend meetings

- To participate in training and development activities to be an effective committee member

- To declare any conflicts of interest at meetings

- Occasionally, to represent the organisation at functions and meetings


- To keep informed of the organisation’s work and wider issues that affect it

- To ensure that the organisation has enough money to meet its obligations

- To help develop policies

- To ensure the organisation follows the law and its governing document

- To ensure the organisation is adequately insured

- To lead the organisation effectively

- To ensure that staff are properly supervised and supported

Key roles we are currently looking to fill are:

- Chair: Planning and running meetings; representing the Organisation and monitoring that decisions and action plans are implemented by the committee

- Secretary: General Administration; keeping a copy of the constitution, meeting minutes and other important documents

- Treasurer : Keeping financial records; arranging for accounts to be kept by a staff member or volunteer or by an external book-keeping agency, making sure that bills are paid promptly and that all income is banked regularly