Volunteering Strategy

Developing the Volunteering Infrastructure in Manchester
This report produced by Martin Duffy, is the culmination of a consultation process which engaged those working at both a practical and strategic level on volunteering issues in Manchester.

The report sets out three key recommendations:
• Provide a clear strategic direction for volunteering in the city
• Implement a co-ordinated approach to good practice support in the city
• Create a central hub to improve access to volunteering for Manchester residents

Click here to read the report on the consultation event which took place in February 2009.

Volunteering England
Volunteering England works to promote volunteering as a powerful force for change, both for those who volunteer and for the wider community.

Volunteering Greater Manchester
Volunteering Greater Manchester is an exciting new project, hosted by GMCVO, which aims to bring about a radical change in the way people think about and support volunteering in Greater Manchester. It involves a partnership of volunteering service providers, including Volunteer Centres, local volunteering infrastructure organisations and local diversity organisations.