Volunteers Week 2019

Happy Volunteers Week :-)

Volunteers Week 2019 is here and we look forward to a great week of Celebration!

It’s a little bit different for us this year and a change from our usual and very popular ‘Volunteer Fair’ event (back next year)… but nevertheless we have plenty of activities planned and presentations scheduled for this week.

Reward & Recognition
To begin, and in familiar tradition we have awarded our annual recognition certificates to help highlight and celebrate all the fantastic work that volunteers have put in across fabulous city over the past year. Signed by the Lord Mayor of Manchester himself Abid Latif Chohan, we had over 800 nominees and will be sending out and distributing these all week. Thanks to everyone that nominated and well done to the deserved recipients!

Volunteer Stories
As part of Volunteers week we are also sharing some feel good volunteer stories and you can see our first one of the week below. The stories are a really short snapshot into the life of a volunteer and are a great read! You can submit your stories here 

Twitter Party
On Wednesday my Colleague at Macc, Karen Dyson is hosting a ‘Twitter Party’. Not surprisingly it’s Volunteers Week themed and therefore we are inviting you to join us between 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 5th June to tweet about your volunteering experiences. You can list up to 5 Volunteer roles and we would kindly appreciate you using the hashtag #5VolunteerRoles to get involved.

Karen and the Volunteer Centre team will be keeping the conversation going by replying and posting links to volunteering opportunities in Manchester, and generally highlighting the huge range of contributions volunteers make to our city.

Selfie Frame
Volunteer Centre Manchester will be out and about this week visiting organisations as usual. If you would like your picture taken with our Volunteers Week 2019 selfie frame as expertly modelled by our colleague Shanna below, then give us a shout and if we are in the area we’ll pop in for a quick picture! 



All week we will be on social media and are using the hashtags #VolunteersWeek and #PeopleofGreaterMCR ……please join in the conversations.

Story One

As promised please see our first Volunteer story of the week from Ejiro, we hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.

Volunteer name: Ejiro

Volunteer age: 44

Where are you from?

What's your volunteer role and what do you do in that role?
Programme/ Creative Manager

How long have you been volunteering for?
3 years

How did you/they get involved with volunteering?
I get involved in all services of the organisation such as fundraising Campaign, Workshop facilitator, Befriending etc.

Why did you get involved in volunteering?
Because I enjoy giving back to the community. Also, supporting my wife’s dream and vision

What do you enjoy most about volunteering?
Raising fund and Helping out in the workshops

What difference has volunteering made to your life?
It has made me see life differently and become a more positive thinker

How does volunteering make you feel?
I feel so good about myself given my time to the community

What would you say to someone thinking about volunteering?
I would really encourage people to give their time and get involved in the community

What’s your favourite volunteering memory?
Listening to how widowers/ widows feel
