Capacity Building

Heritage Lottery Fund - Parks for People

The Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF) Parks for People is for projects related to historic parks and cemeteries in the UK. You can apply for a grant from £100,000 to £5million.

Parks for people projects need to contribute towards the ten outcomes listed below.

Outcomes for heritage:
With HLF investment, heritage will be:
• better managed
• in better condition
• better interpreted and explained
• identified/recorded

Safe Giving Advice

The Manchester Kurdish Association have been working with Greater Manchester Police to promote "Safer Giving" message.

Charitable giving is important to all of us and can help improve people’s lives tremendously. However, sadly some organisations or individuals purport to collect for humanitarian causes but use donations to support organisations that support violent extremism.

The intention of the Safe Giving Advice is to ensure that residents in Greater Manchester are better informed and are therefore able to make safe decisions about charitable giving.

Healthy Heart Grants

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Grants of up to £5,000 or £10,000 are available for new, original and innovative projects that actively promote heart health and help to prevent, or reduce, the risk of heart disease in specific groups or communities.

The funding opportunities are open to all groups. They are very keen to hear from any not-for-profit organisations, from small voluntary or grass-root development groups right through to charitable arms of sporting organisations.

Community Youth Fund

This fund is open to youth groups providing sports and diversionary activities, including groups supporting young people with disabilities.

Groups need to have young people actively involved in the running, implementation and leading of activities. This may be through a youth panel for example.

The group must encourage participation from volunteers, age range is 13 to 25 years.

Awards up to £2,000 are available.

The fund will pay for core running costs, equipment and will fund one off activities which have a long lasting impact and benefit.

9 Lives Community Fund

The Nine Lives Fund is a partnership between Forever Manchester and the Chambers of 9 St. Johns Street, Manchester.

This fund is open to youth groups providing sports and diversionary activities, including groups supporting young people with disabilities. Age range 10-18 living in disadvantaged areas of Greater Manchester.

Groups that encourage active participation from volunteers, have minimal cash reserves and limited access to funding support.

Awards up to £2,000 are available.

Surviving Winter Fund – for luncheon clubs in Greater Manchester

As part of the national Surviving Winter campaign Forever Manchester has £10,000 to give to Luncheon clubs in Greater Manchester.

‘Surviving Winter’ is an important campaign that generates funds to help some of the most vulnerable people in our communities and those most severely affected by fuel bill price hikes and rise in the cost of living.

Surviving Winter Awards are available to support the running of luncheon clubs across Greater Manchester.

This funding is to support the general running of your club and cannot be used for day trips for your members.

Learning Circles 2014

Manchester BME Network is delighted to invite you to participate in their next Learning Circles. Learning Circles provide a space for you to come together with your peers to share your experiences and find solutions to your organisational issues and challenges.

These sessions are free, but places are limited.

The next Learning Circles are:

• Keeping Going: Is it really hard to keep going in the current climate? Is it a struggle to keep services running? Dates: 25 February, 4, 11, 18 March 2014

Social Impact Awards 2014

The Social Impact Awards 2014 are a national awards programme to celebrate and reward excellence in charities, not for profit and social enterprise organisations as well as public and private sector organisations who have made a ‘big difference’ in their communities.

The awards will be presented at an evening theatre style ceremony in Manchester on 7 May 2014, following a half day conference, which will provide education, information, advice and case studies for third sector organisations and their partners in the public and private sectors.

The Orchard Windfalls Fund 2014

The Tree Council has funds available to assist schools and community groups proposing to undertake well-planned orchard planting projects during National Tree Week, 29 November to 7 December 2014.

This grant fund is open to all Schools and Community Groups within the United Kingdom, with the condition that children aged sixteen or under with the condition that children aged sixteen or under are involved in the planting or, where the trees are too large to be directly handled by them, related educational activities.

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales launches new strategy

The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has announced its intention to launch a new funding strategy. The new strategy – to be launched in April - reflects discussions with charities and other funders, and will reinforce the Foundation’s ongoing commitment to support small and medium sized charities in a challenging economic funding environment.