Strengthening the role of local welfare assistance


Local welfare assistance schemes can play a central role in the local safety net, meeting people’s immediate needs and averting deepening hardship and deprivation.

Lack of government guidance and support on how schemes should operate means that they have evolved differently in each locality and not everywhere in England has a scheme in place. All ten of our Greater Manchester boroughs have worked hard to retain local provision and there are some excellent examples of good practice. However, we also know that more needs to be done to scale up that good practice across the city region, raise awareness of schemes and ensure local support best meets the needs of low-income residents.

As we enter a period that will lay bare the economic damage of Covid-19, Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s latest report – Strengthening the role of local welfare assistance - provides a series of recommendations to improve schemes.

Most of the recommendations in the report come at no-cost. Where there are cost implications, upfront investments are suggested that will deliver savings in the long run by improving outcomes for residents and reducing pressure on other services.

Local authority delivered local welfare schemes need to be joined up with other help in each locality, enabling councils, housing providers and VCSE sector organisations to coordinate support.

At this event you’ll hear from report author Simon Watts and GMPA Chief Executive Graham Whitham. There will be opportunity for questions and presentations will take attendees through the support tools developed alongside the report.

This webinar is targeted at all stakeholders interested in improving local welfare support.

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