Data with destiny and our latest data sets

Our latest data sets on our work with voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations and volunteers is now available on our website here:

Charity think tank NPC has published a practical guide outlining the process for how charities can turn their raw data into wisdom and informed action. Data with Destiny draws on the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom model. How to turn your charity’s data info meaningful action

The Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom model

Data is essential for an effective charity. But charities can be intimidated by data. While some may be collecting data successfully, they are often failing to use it to review, learn and improve their work. Some are collecting vast amounts of data but struggling to turn it into insights. Others are gleaning insights from data but not acting on them.

In this short practical guide, NPC outlines the process for how charities can turn their raw data into wisdom and informed action. NPC draws on the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom model. Throughout, examples of charities already on this journey to help illustrate how this can be put into action are used.

Let NPC know what you think via Twitter @NPCthinks, or get in touch if you would like to discuss this further at [email protected].

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