The state of campaigning in 2024


Campaigning and political advocacy are crucial features of a healthy democracy, so it’s important that campaigners have the freedom and confidence to make change. That’s why SMK works to protect the space to campaign.

SMK has been building their evidence base on how campaigning looks in today’s Britain. SMK have launched a report with Civil Exchange on Protecting democratic space, spoken to leaders from across sectors as host of the Charity Reform Group, co-published a report with nfpResearch on public attitudes, and have surveyed trustees on their approach to campaigning.

Their latest briefing note, Under Pressure, lays out the findings of their latest Annual Campaigner Survey. They reveal that civil society faces a ‘campaign drain’ if it cannot better support campaigners in the very difficult environment they face.

Now, with an election looming, SMK will bring together all their work to provide a briefing about how we see the campaigning landscape – including challenges and opportunities.

As a group, the event will explore what can be done, both as individual organisations and collectively, to ensure that campaigners and campaigning thrives at this crucial juncture.

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