International Volunteer Managers Day: Yes Manchester

International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMDay) was founded and observed for the first time in 1999. It is celebrated every year on November the 5th. This year, it is in its 20th year, and is under the theme “Change the Tune!” to reflect the frustrations experienced in the sector and giving a chance for us to differently about how volunteer leadership is positioned – in the hope that we can change the dialogue. Read more about it here

Today we are sharing the stories of Volunteer Co-ordinators across Manchester to help raise the profile of the role and the skill that goes into making volunteering happen! Share your stories using the hashtag #IVMDay2019 and remember to tag us on Twitter

Name: Marika Ellul

Organisation: Yes Manchester

What inspired you to want to work with volunteers?
I was a volunteer myself for more than 3 years with Yes Manchester, through that time I had the opportunity to boost and learn new skills which was part of my career pathway. Since then I have never stopped working with volunteers as I realised that there are many people that could benefit from voluntary projects.

What does a typical work day look like for you?
My role consist of many duties and responsibilities including: recruitment, training, supervision of new digital champions volunteers, preparing codes of conduct, operating policies and procedures and managing digital champions performances. I organise Digital Support sessions for those people that need digital support such as: job search, fill in applications forms, rehousing applications and benefit claims- Universal Credit account and much more. In these sessions we deliver online basics computer course for free therefore our clients that will be supported by digital champions and myself will have the opportunity to gain computer skills which will help them with their future outcome. I am happy to say that our digital sessions support are very busy all over our three centres so I am always busy.

Moreover, after the sessions I support our volunteers with any support they will ask me on that day. I work with all the volunteers individually as this is part of my promise to them in regarding with their personal development. Also, I try to keep the morale high amongst the volunteers and allow for a welcoming work environment where champions enjoy supporting the community.

What is the thing that you love most about your job?
I really enjoy my role as a Digital Champion Co-Ordinator. It is busy but rewarding, my special moments are when I see our digital champions volunteers flourish and build confidence in their own skills. I am proud that I get the opportunity to lead such a talented team of volunteers.

Another think that I really like is when our client success and their outcomes, especially when I see someone smiling because they have achieve the online course, got a job or even been offered a property from the social housing. In that moment I feel very emotional because someone has changed his life, someone is not homeless any more.

I like the hugs from our clients which it makes me more motivated to support the community.

What is the most challenging part of your job?
I enjoy each responsibility that comes with this role. Mostly, I like the challenges that I am faced with when managing a group of volunteers with different skills set. I am committed to delivery a high standard of service therefore this is the time where I employ my organisational skills. My job includes loads of thinking of how to improve the service, both for the champions and the service users t reach my daily targets.

I don't say that I have never encountered any challenges, it's the daily issues where sometime they will arise on the day such as: volunteers can't make on the day therefore I have to ask other volunteer to be sure that the digital support sessions will keep on running smoothly.

What advice would you give to someone new to the role of managing volunteers?
It is a busy role but really rewarding, you will learn a lot from it. It will gives you the opportunity to meet a variety of people internal and external and you will develop a wider understanding of what the community needs. I will definitely recommend this role, if you like to work with people. It gives you the motivation to never stop doing this role. It leaves an huge impact in the society and you feel that 'Yes I can' support more people.


What is your favourite volunteer-related memory/experience?
One of my volunteers who was a non English speaker had no experience of how the Labour Market works. I have supported her with all the skills she needed and what does she really need to get a job. She was doing very fine and she was very happy as she knew that this voluntary work was helping her. She ended up offered a job with us and she was my colleague now which for me was amazing.


Any words of wisdom for volunteers?
"Our Volunteers are not paid,, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless".
"Volunteers do not necessary have the time, they just have the heart.

Well done to all of our digital champions volunteers, very talented and have a lot to offer to the community.

Finally, what song sums up your experience working with volunteers?
“The Beatles - Help!”

