Age-Friendly City questionnaire for community leaders about religious spaces

Researchers from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group at the University of Manchester are conducting a study into how different religious spaces in Greater Manchester in the UK and surveyAkita in Japan support older people in their communities.

This survey is intended to collect the views of people who would be considered leaders in their faith or religious communities. This includes official and lay leaders (voluntary or paid), those involved in the running of religious spaces and activities in those spaces and those considered representatives of their religious/ faith communities (for example those involved in representing the interests of their community).

Complete the survey

This short survey should take about 10 minutes and by answering the following questions, you will be helping to understand more about how to support different groups of older people in the community. Findings from this study will be shared with academics, policy makers and inter-faith networks in both Manchester and Japan.

There is also the chance to be entered into a draw to win £50 worth of Love to Shop UK vouchers by competing the survey.    
