BBC Children in Need’s vision is that children and young people in the UK have a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential.
Their role in achieving this vision is by making grants to charities and other non-profit organisations that support and work with children and young people who are disadvantaged and face challenges in their lives.
The people and projects funded will:
• Take the initiative and show clearly how they will make a difference which will improve children and young people’s lives
• Address the challenges the children and young people face, build their skills and resilience, empower them and extend their choices in life
• Involve children and young people in the design, delivery and evaluation of their work
• Be keen to keep learning about their work so that their ability to make a difference in children and young people’s lives can keep on improving
Main Grants
The Main Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years.
Grants will be given for:
Children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation
Projects need to make differences in children’s lives that help prevent or overcome the effects of the disadvantages they face. Projects achieve these differences by either working directly with children or seeking to improve their social and physical environments.
Deadlines for 2016
For further information and to apply, visit:
Small Grants
The Small Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for any amount up to and including £10,000 for one year only.
Grants are given for:
Children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation
Projects need to make differences in children’s lives that help prevent or overcome the effects of the disadvantages they face. Projects achieve these differences by either working directly with children or seeking to improve their social and physical environments.
The Small Grants programme is looking for projects where a relatively small amount of money can make a big difference for children and young people. Applications which top up funding for salaries or larger projects are unlikely to be funded where a small grant would only make a marginal impact on its success.
Deadlines for 2016
For further information and to apply, visit:
For more information, contact 0345 609 0015, or email: [email protected]