Bipolar UK Manchester Support Group

bipolar UKBipolar is a severe mental health condition characterised by significant mood swings. Around 2% of the population is estimated to have bipolar and the number of those affected by bipolar, such as family and friends, is significantly higher. Unsupported, it can increase the risk of suicide by 20 times.

The Manchester support group is free to attend and is open to anyone affected by bipolar, including family, friends and carers. The group meets the second Wednesday of every month (the group does not meet in December), from 7pm-9pm at Central Manchester Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.

As the NHS has reaffirmed their commitment to mental health care on several occasions, such as in the 2015 five year plan, Bipolar UK thought now would be a good time to discuss how to connect and help those in the local community.

Bipolar UK is the only national charity dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by bipolar. Bipolar UK are listed on the national NHS site  and are recognised as a local NHs commissioning partner in Torbay. 

Every month Bipolar UK help support over 1,000 people to stay well. The support includes a moderated eCommunity; a Peer Support Line, which offers one to one support, advice and information over email and telephone; and support groups across England which are free to attend and facilitated by trained volunteers who are themselves affected by bipolar.

Independent evaluation of the support groups have been shown to reduce this demand on health and social services by £2,273 per person per year; including benefits to friends and family who act as unpaid carers, plus an increase in voluntary opportunities.

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