The Bread Project

Development Education Project (DEP) has been funded by WEA/ESF to deliver this NEW community learning project.

The project will run as a 10 week programme on a weekly basis for one day a week and the guided learning hours will be 30 hours with additional support available for one to one support.

The participants will increase their numeracy and literacy skills through the process of the bread making from around the world, exploring and sharing the history and culture of bread making. The course will develop confidence as well as support the personal development of the participants.

Whilst the project is a non-accredited first step learning it will encourage participants to achieve the Social Enterprise Qualification, a new nationally recognised accreditation run by DEP.

The project is open to unemployed adults living in Greater Manchester, with priority to residents from Old Trafford, Chorlton, Whalley Range and Moss Side.

Costs towards child care are available.

The project will run from the DEP base at St Margaret’s Centre, Brantingham Road, Chorlton, M21 0TT.

Participants can be referred or self-refer onto the project throughout January 2013
There will also be an Open Day at DEP on Tuesday 29 January, 10.30am-2.30pm. The course will start in February 2013

To refer / enrol or for further information contact DEP, on 0161 881 8332, or email: [email protected], or text your name and contact number to 0789 733 9502.