Cancer and Mental Well-being engagement events

Macmillan Cancer Support is currently undertaking a number of engagement events to look at issues relating to mental well-being and cancer. This information will be used to inform the future work of Macmillan’s ‘cancer and mental health taskforce’. The taskforce is looking at what cancer patients and carers say about their emotional experiences, the support they get for these, and any extra support they might appreciate.

One of the workshops is targeted at the needs of Black and other minority groups and will be held on 7 July 2016, from 1pm-4 pm at the Kath Locke Centre, Moss Lane East, Manchester M15 5DD.

If you wish to share your experiences of the impact of cancer and contribute to the development of additional support contact Donna Miller to book a place, on 0161 874 2193 or email [email protected].

If you are unable to attend in person but willing to share your experiences, you can also get in contact with Donna Miller. Macmillan Cancer Support would love to hear the views of patients, carers, family members or friends affected by cancer.

Reasonable travel expenses will be refunded, lunch will be provided and each participant will be offered a voucher for their participation.