Centre for Welfare Reform – Closer to Home research

Amy-Grace Whillans-Welldrake a Masters student currently interning with the Centre for Welfare Reform is conducting a joint research project with the Centre researching the current challenges facing the welfare state such as ageing and austerity, and exploring government responses focusing specifically on recent devolution reforms. For further information, visit: www.centreforwelfarereform.org/our-work/closer-to-home.html

As part of this research the Centre would like to gain the voluntary and community, and social enterprise sectors perspective on what they think about devolution whether it’s gone far enough and whether they’ve been affected by it. This research will also be asking what the welfare state would look like if it was designed by citizens and what the role of national, local and community organisations would look like?

The questions will be in 3 parts, the first will focus on the challenges facing social enterprises and the VCS sector and Greater Manchester, the second will focus on current devolution, while the third will imagine what deeper devolution could look like. Here are some links to articles which explain devolution in Greater Manchester. A guide to Devolution in the UK and how the devolution of Health spending to Greater Manchester will work.

To complete the survey, visit: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MNPSKNP

Deadline for responses: 20 December 2018