Childcare Investment Readiness Fund

The Childcare Investment Readiness Fund is a £500,000 pilot fund, managed by Social Investment Business on behalf of Department for Education that aims to support early years and childcare social enterprises looking to expand their presence in the early years market.

The Fund will provide grants to early years and childcare social enterprises for the purchase of specific capacity building support to help facilitate their growth and become more appealing to investors. Applicants must have a proven track record and the potential to expand their services into new locations.

The Fund will offer grants of between £25,000 and £50,000 to purchase specialised investment readiness support to cover the costs of putting an investment readiness plan into action. The fund will offer specialised support from an approved investment readiness provider with a track record in supporting social ventures to secure investment.

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline: Friday 17July 2015, 12noon