Opinion Research Services are looking to recruit members of the public who are willing to take part in the Citizens’ Economic Council – a series of up to five day long workshops about the future of the economy.
The first workshop is taking place in Manchester town centre on Saturday 11 February 2017 at 10.30am.
You do not need to be an expert on these issues – Opinion Research Services are seeking people who wish to learn more about the issues and who have diverse personal experiences that they can draw upon. There will be experts on hand on the day to help the process along. The event will be friendly and informal. You will be one of around 30 members of the public taking part in the discussions.
There will also be a number of other people at the event, who are there to facilitate discussions, provide information and support your participation. The session will be recorded, but the recordings will only be used for the purposes of analysis, will not be forwarded to any third party and will be destroyed after use. There may be some filming involved – but this will take place with your written consent only. All data identifying the participant will remain confidential and all quotations used as a result of the research will be anonymised.
What do you get out of it?
First of all you will receive an incentive of £90 high street voucher to cover any expenses you may have incurred in attending the workshop and as a token of appreciation for you finding the time to come along. This will be given to you at the end of the session. As well as this, your invaluable comments will have helped the Royal Society of Arts, Commerce and Manufactures and it is a great opportunity for you to have your views taken into account.
If you have any queries about the workshops and to confirm your attendance, contact Robyn Griffiths on 01792 824 970 or email: [email protected]