Comic Relief – Change Makers

comic reliefThis funding opportunity is about looking to the future and making a bigger change. Comic Relief are looking for organisations that will make a significant contribution to their sector – for example, whether that’s forging new ways of working in the wake of COVID-19, contributing evidence that will move things forward, cross-sector collaboration which recognises the way issues intersect, or advocacy and campaigning work. Comic Relief are looking for change making efforts that are relevant to their social change themes of homelessness, forced migration, gender justice, mental health, and early childhood development.

Comic Relief are inviting organisations to apply in one of two categories:
Small and medium-sized organisations that focus on equalities and are user-led. Your organisation must have an annual income of at least £75,000. User-led organisations are considered to be those where the majority of the leadership (i.e. at least half of senior team and trustees) are from the community(ies) the organisation serves.
Other medium-sized organisations based in the UK. In this case your organisation needs to have a minimum annual income of £250,000.

Comic Relief will not accept applications from larger organisations with annual income greater than £10 million.

20% of the available funding is ring-fenced for efforts led by and working with BAME communities

Applications can be made by single applicants. Organisations can also apply in partnership, with a lead partner holding the funding.

Grants from £150,000 to £600,000 for 3 to 5 years are available.

For more information and to apply click here or email: [email protected]

Deadline for expressions of interest: 28 August 2020, 12:00