The Department of Health is seeking feedback from the NHS and other interested parties on final proposals to revise the governance of NHS charities.
NHS Charities were established to receive and manage charitable funds to support healthcare in the NHS. They are typically linked to individual NHS providers (mainly hospital trusts) and range from Great Ormond Street to residual historical funds.
The proposals will:
• remove regulation by ministers
• enable NHS charities to establish and operate more flexibly and independently, in the interests of donors and patients
• preserve the close relationship with the providers of NHS services that the charities support.
In response to feedback from NHS Charity representatives and a consideration of policy needs by officials, ministers agreed to a review of the governance of NHS Charities to consider in particular how their governance might be deregulated.
The initial review work was undertaken in late 2011 with the direct involvement of NHS Charities and some of their linked NHS bodies together with the Charity Commission and other groups and bodies with an interest. Outline proposals have been developed from this feedback and ministers have endorsed these.
The nature of the proposed changes is that they require a broader and more formal consensus. The Department is therefore undertaking a second and final round of engagement from which it is seeking the views of as many NHS Charities, their NHS bodies and other interested parties as possible.
The Department of Health are primarily seeking feedback from NHS bodies, their charities, patient groups and other interested organisations, but will also take account of any other feedback received.
Completed feedback should be emailed to: [email protected]
To read the publication, visit:
For further information, contact David Pennington, on 0113 254 5000, or email:
[email protected]
Deadline: Thursday 31 January 2013