Community Links for Health - Soft Market Testing event

North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Manchester City Council are committed to delivering a radical upgrade in prevention and public health, as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View. As part of its prevention programme, the CCGs intend to tender a citywide ‘Community Links for Health’ service to support the registered population of Central, North, and South Manchester. NHS CCGs

Date & Time: Thursday 30 March 2017, 13:30 - 16:30
Venue: Chancellors Conference Centre, Fallowfield, Manchester, M14 6ZT

Manchester’s Prevention Programme
The programme will provide an infrastructure that enables sustainable, coherent and effective community based approaches to prevention across Manchester. Neighbourhood health and care teams will be supported to deliver the objectives of the programme in a way that (i) makes the most of local assets to target local needs, and (ii) is co-produced with local community groups and residents. The asset or strengths based approach enabled by the programme, will be fundamental in transforming the care we deliver to enable people to live as independent a life as possible. This will reduce demand on health and care services, whilst promoting engagement in work and skills, community resilience, self-care and improving health and wellbeing outcomes.

Community Links for Health
The CCGs and Manchester City Council are looking to commission a model described as ‘Communities Links for Health’ to promote wellbeing, prevent ill-health and reducing health inequalities through One Team (Manchester’s place-based, primary care led, integrated health and care teams). Communities Links for Health will connect people who access health and care services with a range of social and community sources of support to enable them to improve their health; sometimes known as ‘social prescribing’. It will be delivered through a team of people who offer one to one support including neighbourhood based community link workers, and more specialist health coaches based in a central hub. It will also support people who are out of work, or at risk of becoming unemployed to move back in to work or maintain employment.

Soft Market Testing event
This event is a follow-up to the Community Links for Health soft market testing event for North Manchester (held in January 2017) as additional funding has now been secured to enable commissioners to tender for a citywide service. Organisations that provide these services or who may be interested in providing these services are invited to attend.

The aim of the event is to:
• Share the strategic direction for Prevention Programme in Manchester
• Share information and engage with service providers on the service model and service specification - Network with other providers to facilitate a collaborative approach
• Provide information on the proposed procurement process and timetable

Commissioners will be requesting providers to take a collaborative approach across sectors to best utilise skills, knowledge and strength to support the successful delivery of this programme.

Attendance at the event will not confer any advantage to any potential bidders nor will your organisation be disadvantaged by not attending the event. Places will be limited to two per organisation.

To book a place, email your name, the name of your organisation, number of places and email address to Viola Robinson, at: [email protected] or telephone Viola on 0161 234 4048.