Manchester City Council are writing a new ‘Residential Quality Guidance’. This is a guide for developers and architects that sets out the kind of new homes wanted in Manchester.
The City Council think it’s important to have their own guidance, specific to Manchester, to get the kind of homes that Mancunians want, that suit the city.
The City Council have already spoken to people involved in architecture, design and building to help write a draft. But as this guidance is about homes that might be built near you or where you may live in the future, they would like to hear your views.
The Manchester Strategy (‘Our Manchester’) sets a vision for Manchester to be in the top flight of world class cities by 2025, playing its full part in limiting the impacts of climate change and a place where residents from all backgrounds feel safe, can aspire, succeed and live well.
A key component of this, identified in the Manchester Residential Growth Strategy, is the need to deliver a minimum of 25,000 new homes over the next 10 years to sustain the positive economic and population growth forecast in Manchester over this period.
Getting this development right is critical to the future of the city and its residents. Too much residential development in recent years has failed to consistently deliver the sort of high quality, sustainable housing the city needs.
In March 2015, Manchester adopted the London Housing Design Guide space standards as an interim measure, pending the preparation of Manchester-specific guidance. These standards have resulted in a positive shift in terms of the quality of residential schemes coming forward, yet space standards represent only one of the key ingredients for creating attractive and sustainable residential environments.
The Manchester Residential Quality Guidance completes this picture, providing clear direction on what is required to deliver sustainable neighbourhoods of choice where people will want to live and also raise the quality of life across Manchester.
For further information to your views, visit:
Deadline: Sunday 2 October 2016