Consultation: proposed changes to how Manchester City Council assess people and give personal budgets for social care and support

Manchester City Council want to change their resource allocation system. This is what Manchester City Council call the way they:
• assess you for social care and support
• work out personal budgets

Manchester City Council want your views on how they do things now and the proposed changes they would like to make.

The changes are in line with the law: The Care Act 2014.

Proposed changes to the way you will be assessed
The way Manchester City Council do assessments at the moment often only focuses on the things that you are unable to do. The Council want to change that, and make the assessment process more flexible and personalised to you. The Council want to focus on the things you want to do and help you to achieve them.

The Council will still look at the things you need help with. But will also look at how they can get you support to do the things you enjoy doing and be more involved in your local community.

The proposals are:
• to change the way they assess for personal budgets to make them more flexible for you
• to encourage more people to take up a personal budget by making it a more beneficial and flexible option to support your needs
• use what they call community assets as part of your support, so you feel part of your community and have a good week
• make having a good week and doing things you enjoy part of your assessment

For further information and to give your views, visit:

Deadline: Sunday 14 February 2016