Could you be a trustee for a leading LGBT+ Charity?

the proud trust logoThe Proud Trust is a lifesaving and life-enhancing organisation that helps young LGBT+ people empower themselves to make a  positive change for themselves and their communities.

The Proud Trust are looking for new trustees to help steer them through the next exciting stage of their development, as they increase their support of LGBT+ young people regionally and nationally.

Trustees are responsible for the strategic direction of the charity.

In particular, The Proud Trust are looking for up to four people who have experience of:

  • Leadership
  • Business development and entrepreneurship
  • Finance (The Proud Trust are seeking one person to take over from the current treasurer, ideally someone with a relevant qualification e.g. CA, CIMA, ACCA)

The Proud Trust would particularly encourage you to apply if you are trans or non-binary, bisexual, Black, a Person of Colour or BAME and/or living with a disability.

Trustees give around three to five hours a month, with out of pocket and travel expenses paid by the charity.

The Proud Trust recognise many people who would be really good trustees might not see themselves in the role or might feel lacking in confidence to apply. If you have a passion to support young people and transferable skills, they are keen to hear from you.

For an information pack click here or email: [email protected]