Crossroads Care in partnership with Manchester Carers Centre are holding drop in sessions for carers at the St James and Emmanuel Parish Hall in Didsbury.
Do you care and support family or friends who could not manage without your help. This could be caring for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or substance misuse problems.
Come along and have a chat, some fun and get some advice at the South Manchester Carers Drop In’s on:
19 Dec, 1 - 3pm - Xmas lunch
16 Jan, 1 - 3pm - While away the January blues with arts and crafts session
30 Jan, 1 - 3pm - Trip out for Lunch in Didsbury – befriending group
6 Feb, 1 - 3pm - Pampering sessions, relax and unwind
20 Feb, 1 - 3pm - Music and laughter
6 Mar, 1 - 3pm - Arts and Crafts/Games Day
20 Mar, 1 - 3pm - Easter Parade
Everyone is welcome
To help plan for activities and refreshments, contact Tina Blake to confirm your attendance on 0161 445 9595, or email: [email protected].
Crossroads Care can provide respite for the person you care for free, contact Tina in advance to arrange this.
These sessions have been part funded through Manchester City Council Cash Grants and are free to carers and the person they care for.