Discover Peace Manchester – free workshops and city walks

Are you interested in Manchester’s urban heritage of peace and social change? Discover Peace invites you to free city walks and introductory workshops - informal sessions to:
• Find out about Discover Peace Europe –partners in Berlin, Budapest, The Hague, Paris, Turin and Vienna
• Use the Discover Peace Manchester trail: web, app, booklet
• Look at human rights, diverse cultures and democracy through the city’s landmarks
• Share skills and ideas to support, follow or adapt the trail for your own group, class or organisation
• Get to know the city’s peacemakers – meet the Mines Advisory Group (MAG), Manchester City Council and others.

Workshops: Manchester Town Hall and Mines Advisory Group UK headquarters - Fridays, 12 June or 26 June, 10am – 4pm (free lunch/refreshments plus copy of trail booklet)

City walks: Saturdays 13 June or 27 June, 10am – 2pm (flexible)

For further information and to book a place, contact Catherine Roberts, on 0797 120 4697, or email: [email protected]
