Fathers are Vital (FAV) support service launch

Fathers Against Violence CIC are relaunching their Fathers support service. The new program is called Fathers are Vital and is aimed at addressing the issues men face as fathers.

FAV believe that the healing power of one father helping another is without equal. Because who can better understand the hardships, joys and frustrations of being a father better than another father? FAV welcome fathers without criticism or judgement, but with support and understanding to their meetings.

The programme is especially aimed at fathers who are:
• Fathers from the BME community
• Young fathers
• Fathers who are ex-offenders
• Fathers estranged from the family and denied contact with child / children
• Single fathers

This is an open forum for all fathers.

FAV can support with:
• Advice around parental access, legal info around family law and the court system
• Mediation support
• Drugs and alcohol support
• Housing, finance and budgeting support
• Emotional intelligence, anger management and loss of self control
• Employment and training advice

The service will run ever Monday from 4 July 2016, 6pm-8pm at St Wilfrids Enterprise Centre, off Royyce Road, Hulme, M15 5LA

For further information, visit: www.fav-uk.org, or contact 0161 868 0112, or email: [email protected]
