GMCDP need you to help with a comic strip about disability history

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People’s (GMCDP) young disabled people are working on a joint project with Manchester City Council to put an exhibition together to celebrate Disability History month.

A group of young people are meeting regularly and like the idea of putting this across in the style of a comic.

If you are a young disabled person 18-30, live within Greater Manchester and would like to come along and see how you can be part of this exciting project please get in touch.

GMCDP offer support with travel costs and other access requirements contact 0161 636 7538 to discuss this.

Meetings are taking place on:

Windrush Millennium Centre
Wednesday 7 October 10:00 – 12:00

Manchester Art Gallery
Thursday 8 October 13:30 – 16:00
Thursday 15 October 13:30 – 16:00
Thursday 22 October 13:30 – 16:00
Thursday 5 November 13:30 – 16:00
Thursday 12 November (extra session if needed)

The launch will be on International Day of Disabled People on Thursday 3 December 2015

For further information, visit:, or contact Louise on 0161 636 7538, or email: [email protected]