GMPA launches the ‘Household items and repairs’ map

Back in January Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA) launched the Emergency Food Providers map, a Google map showing the location of all the foodbanks, pay-as-you-feel cafés, food clubs and pantries that they could find.

GMPA added more pins and made any necessary amendments over the past 9 months. Since its launch this map has had over 6,400 visits and hope that it will continue to be a really useful resource.

The second map shows ‘Household items and repairs’ and includes organisations that provide reconditioned, refurbished and repaired furniture, white goods and smaller electrical items for a fraction of high street costs, some that are even able to offer a limited number of these items free of charge. Local Freecycle groups have been included that simply advertise everything, including occasionally the kitchen sink, that is available for free from the current owners who no longer need the item. Also shown are a few organisations that can provide some practical support in the home for those on low-incomes, the elderly and the disabled.

GMPA would welcome your help to improve this map. Who has been missed off? Are the details completely accurate? Email [email protected] with any additions and corrections. The more accurate it is, the more useful it will be.

To view the maps, visit: