Grant to train frontline workers on Honour Based Violence awareness

Manchester City Council has £10,000 to deliver training in Honour Based Violence (HBV) awareness for Early Help Hub staff and Social Work teams. The full funding of £10,000 will be awarded to one successful applicant to provide a training programme for frontline workers. The programme will need to be delivered to all Early Help Hub staff and Social Work teams in venues arranged by the provider. The successful applicant will be expected to deliver the training programme between January 2017 and March 2017.

Grant applications must meet the following objectives:
1. Safety: Frontline workers understand the risk and how to manage it
2. Knowledge: Frontline workers gain an understanding of honour based violence, different experiences and the support that is available to victims.
3. Empowerment: Frontline workers gain an understanding of best way to support victims in various situations

The successful applicant will be expected to create a workforce development programme that:
• Enables staff to understand the background of honour based abuse in addition to its prevalence in the UK
• Ensures staff are aware of the key definitions in this field including the differentiation between an arranged and forced marriage
• Covers best practice guidance to handling a case of honour based abuse, including the dos and don’ts and the potential triggers for a forced marriage
• Enables professionals to understand forced marriage and honour based abuse within a child protection/safeguarding framework
• Ensure that professional practice meets statutory obligations

In addition to the above, the training will:
• Provide an in-depth understanding of how honour based systems operate within families and communities
• Enable professionals to identify risk
• Provide a detailed understanding of multiple perpetrators and where they come from
• Further understanding of implications of triggers for those at risk of FM and how certain events/activities may place a child or adult with care and support needs, from a family who operates an honour based system at risk of significant harm
• Increase understanding of associated risks to working in partnership with parents/communities
• Explore safety planning strategies for safeguarding
• Ensure professionals understand and can apply the legal remedies to address a case of FM and/or HBA
• Work on real life case scenarios to identify and manage safeguarding concerns
• Evaluate the programme and send copies of the evaluation forms to the Council

Applications are welcomed from groups working together in a partnership with one organisation acting as the lead, accountable organisation.

To be eligible for the grant your organisation must:
• Have a constitution
• Be based in Manchester and accountable to the community that you are predominantly delivering services to
• Be a not-for-profit organisation – this includes voluntary, community and faith organisations, co-operatives and mutual societies, non-governmental organisations which are value driven and which principally invest their surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives
• Be representative and inclusive of the community you are intending to work with

There should be opportunities for the people who you are supporting to be involved in your work, for example by volunteering in your service and/or being part of your management committee or other body.

Completed application forms should be emailed to: [email protected]

For further information, contact Kristian Dodsworth, on 0161 234 4259, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Friday 9 December 2016, 16:00