Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service – Programme for Change consultation

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is currently looking proposals for ways of restructuring its services. The main impacts of the proposals for the voluntary sector are: Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
• Closure of some local fire stations
• A reduction in home visits, fire risk assessments for vulnerable people and the ability to refer these people into other community-based services
• A reduction in youth work and community-based programmes such as Fire Cadets, Young Fire Setters and Prince’s Trust work
• At present there are specific staff who do community-based work.  This team will reduce in size, but firefighters will be trained to do more prevention, community and safeguarding work as part of the standard duties than they do at present
• Opportunities to review the roles of volunteers in the service, and also corporate volunteering opportunities for the service’s staff

You can read more about the proposals here:

There is also a survey: which includes a general question about the effects of the proposed changes which voluntary sector organisations could use to discuss any particular impacts on their organisations or the people they work with, particularly if they have had special projects or ongoing relationships with GMFRS. The final changes have not been decided, and in particular the amount of community-based staff could be increased from the current proposals if a strong case is made. The survey is open until 31 May 2019.