Greater Manchester Strategy equalities engagement events

gm eqalThe Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS) is the overarching strategic document for the whole of the city-region, providing a shared vision, direction and series of actions to be delivered. The GMS is owned and adopted by the public, private and VCSE sectors. The current GMS was launched in 2017, and was due to be refreshed in 2020, but paused due to the pandemic. The one year Living with Covid Resilience Plan has provided strategic direction of activities delivered across the GM system over the last year, and continues to support to the outcomes set in the current GMS.

Work is now underway to refresh the Greater Manchester Strategy. It is being significantly shaped by the Independent Inequalities Commission report, which proposes putting “wellbeing and equality goals at the heart of the Greater Manchester Strategy”. Responsive to this, and seeking to develop the ways in which the Greater Manchester Strategy can embed wellbeing and equality objectives, the GM Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) is hosting a series of engagement sessions to explore solutions and develop ways of working to equip Greater Manchester to better redress inequalities now and in the future.

The engagement sessions will be hosted by GM=EqAl/GMCVO. Each is structured around a specific policy portfolio, but will follow the same format and explore the same key questions (with plenty of opportunity for input and discussion from all attending).

The sessions will be attended by senior officers from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, presenting a great opportunity to hear their proposed priorities and to influence their thinking on tackling inequality.

Place:  Planning, housing, infrastructure development and investment, culture and leisure
7 July 2021, 3.30pm - 5pm

Environment: Green city-region, sustainability, waste and consumption and low carbon
9 July 2021, 10.30am - 12pm

Work, skills and economy: Business support, Good Employment Charter, employment support, skills and apprenticeships
12 July 2021, 4pm - 5.30pm

Children and young people: Early years, education and support
13 July, 10am - 11.30am

Health and social care: Health care system and provision, social care, physical and mental health
16 July 2021, 10am - 11.30am

Transport: Developments of transport system, accessibility and integration
16 July 2021, 4pm - 5.30pm

Police, crime, fire and criminal justice: Prevention, reduction and reform
23 July 2021, 3.30pm - 5pm

Agendas, background information, supporting documents etc. will also be made available in advance.

All the sessions will cover:

  • Overview of the Greater Manchester Strategy Refresh
  • Overview of the Policy Portfolio
  • Introduction to current ways of work – Public Service Reform principles 

Discussion groups to explore:   

  • What do different people face in terms of their access, experience and outcomes (in relation to this theme?)
  • How can we overcome these inequalities? – What can be changed, developed or embedded through the refresh of the Greater Manchester Strategy?
  • How will we know we are making a difference?

If you are unable to join a session and wish to feed in views, you can do so directly by emailing Adrian Bates at: [email protected]

For more information contact the Project Officer, Hannah Berry on [email protected]