In July 2015, Greater Manchester consulted on its ‘2040 Vision’ for transport in the city region, which set out their long-term transport ambitions for a world-class, integrated transport system. Using feedback received during the consultation process, they have now drafted a ‘Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040’ and supporting ‘2040 Delivery Plan for 2016/17-2021/22’ on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). Together, once finalised, this suite of documents will form a new Local Transport Plan.
The public consultation on the Strategy has been launched, which sets out long-term proposals to create a cleaner, greener, more prosperous city region through better connections and simpler travel. It also considers all aspects of travel from local neighbourhoods to global markets and focuses on creating an integrated, sustainable, and well co-ordinated transport system which supports a wide range of different travel needs.
The ambition for 2040 is to deliver a transport system which makes it much easier for everyone travelling in Greater Manchester to reach a wide range of different destinations and opportunities, and where sustainable transport is a viable and attractive alternative to the car. The long-term strategy will be an essential tool in the journey to reaching that goal.
To take part in the consultation, visit: The consultation closes on 26 September 2016.