Have your final say on the Council’s budget for 2017-2020

Manchester City Council is consulting further on its budget for 2017-2020. There are now firm proposals with £30million of savings needed. But changes can still be made and the Council is inviting final comments and questions until 10 February, ahead of finally setting the budget in March.

Council Tax
The Government has changed the rules to allow Councils to increase Council Tax by slightly more in the next two years to help pay for the increasing demand for services for older people and vulnerable adults. Read more on proposed Council Tax increases

The proposals take into account resident feedback, whose priorities were ‘frontline’ services for vulnerable adults, children and schools and roads and cleaner neighbourhoods as well as services to support skills and employment.
Generally, cuts perceived as ‘back office’ efficiencies were supported with the strongest disagreement for options seen as affecting vulnerable people or neighbourhood-based services. Read more on budget proposals

What happens next?
The next stage of consultation on the budget 2017-20 has now begun, asking people for their final comments on the detailed proposals.

For more information and to take part, visit: http://manchester.gov.uk/budget

The consultation runs until 10 February 2017.

The final budget for 2017/18 to 2019/20, taking into account the responses to this consultation, will be set at the full Council meeting on Friday 3 March 2017.